June Baucom


Book Call

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Believe in What’s Possible

My Mission

Get into the TEAMSPIRIT!

My mission is to guide and support parents in building a spirit of cooperation with their children, just as coaches provide techniques and instructions to have a winning team. Operating like a sports coach, your leadership provides a fast-start to creating your desired freedom. You empower your team to be cooperative, engaged, and responsible through team building, which offers you time-freedom to enjoy. A win-win for your family!


  • Are you doing everything for your child?
  • Do you yearn for a sense of togetherness?
  • Are you overwhelmed?
  • How are you reacting to your child’s negative behavior?
  • Are you trying to find the right answers?

If so, then: Change your mindset. Built a spirit of togetherness and cooperation. Take control of your future. Change your story. Set a new empowering course for your family!

How We Serve You

Get ready to ignite the spirit of togetherness, fun, joy, and success in your family. These are your benefits.

Your child:

*Feels like a valued team player and readily participates

*Becomes engaged in making wise choices

* Learns to be responsible and develops self-confidence

Parent, you:

*Will create a united HOMETEAM, focused and goal-oriented

*Will model positive influence in active engagement

*Will provide the tools for success

*Will provide opportunities to develop strength and character

That is the purpose and power of teambuilding!

You will learn to: Live it. Enjoy It. Be Grateful for It.

Together, you and I will give your child the HOMETEAM Advantage.

Contact me for your Extra Free

30 minutes One-On-One Coaching Call (Value $125).

About June

Her Background

June’s journey as a Parent Coach, Author, and Speaker began 17 years ago when she earned her Associate of Arts degree in Early Childhood Education in Los Angeles, California. She graduated from Los Angeles Southwest College, Cum Laude, while working at Kedren Health Center Inc.- an early Headstart program. She taught children two and a half to 6 years of age.

While working in a private preschool, Bright Horizons Child Care Inc., she was intrigued by her terrific toddlers and co-published a photo storybook about them titled: I Can Do It! Building Confidence in Toddlers, in 2012.

She created personalized books for two different age groups. One was for a toddler practicing sharing her space with her two dogs. The other was with two sisters, 5 and 7, learning to cooperate and take responsibility for their decisions and actions. Those books empowered the parents to reinforce positive behaviors to discourage negative ones.

 June believes every child needs guidance toward a path that enables them to achieve and become productive citizens. Tools necessary for enhancing these skills, such as being willing to work with others, accepting responsibility, goal setting, self-motivation, and time management, are essential to reach new levels of achievement and fulfillment.

June’s mission in publishing her book, HOMETEAM Parenting: Discovering the Spirit of Cooperation, is to provide this valuable resource to guide families in setting themselves up to succeed together. She specializes in families of children 1-11 years of age.

Private Coaching Package

3-Month Weekly VIP One-On-One Strategy and Coaching Calls

1 – Strategy session (30 min) FREE

12 – 1:1 weekly coaching session (30 min each) via Zoom

6 – Email support

Additional educational resources 

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